Wild Mushroom Bisque

A recipe for mushroom bisque using wild mushrooms. This is basically real, homemade cream of mushroom soup. You can use any sort of mushroom you like.

Italian Marinated Mushrooms

Marinated mushrooms are a staple on any antipasti plate, and if you can get porcini, which are popping in the Rockies now, so much the better. Here's how to do the technique the Italians call sott'olio.

Amanita Velosa, My Illicit Love

Every spring I have a brief fling with my illicit lover, Amanita velosa. She is the sweetest, most lovely mushroom I've ever eaten, and I spend long hours looking for her. Here's how to safely identify this mushroom, and how to cook it.

Hunt Gather Talk Podcast 4: Early Spring

Spring is here in NorCal. Normally I feel bad about it, almost ashamed. After all, so many of you are still locked in winter, and will be for months. But this is my reality. And I embrace it. In this episode I talk about early spring foraging, the end of hunting seasons and embracing transition in your life.

Hunt Gather Talk Podcast Episode 2

In this week's podcast, I'm talking mushrooms. Specifically, how to get into mushroom hunting - safely. I talk you through the basics, how to get started, what varieties you will want to look for first, and how not to poison yourself.

Salmis of Snipe

This is about as classic French as you get. Salmis (sal-mee) of snipe: Salmis is where you roast a bird, make a quick sauce from the bones, and serve it with mushrooms and maybe some toast. This is a fantastic snipe recipe.

Fried Morel Mushrooms

Fried morels. Where have you been all my life? Seriously. I have eaten morels for decades, but only recently have I experenced the glory of the fried morel. I am not looking back.

Rabbit with Morels and Gnocchi

Spring is in full swing here in California, and it's not far off in the rest of the country. This recipe brings together several of my favorite spring ingredients: Rabbit, morel mushrooms and nettles, all in a lovely, Italian-inspired dish.

Braised Pheasant with Mushrooms

If you've never braised pheasant thighs, you're missing out. Unlike the drumsticks, which can be fiddly, the thighs on pheasants (and wild turkeys) are sublime when slow cooked. This recipe is based on a French one and uses lots of mushrooms.

Winter Pick

The professional mushroom pickers call this time of year Winter Pick. It's a time of abundance here in Northern California, a time when you can conceivably come home with 20 different kinds of edible mushrooms. It's my favorite time of year.

How to Cook a Venison Steak

Caramelized onions make any dish they appear in better. This recipe is no exception: Big venison steaks, onions and seared hen-of-the-woods mushrooms are autumn on a plate.

Chanterelle Soup

If Porcini are the kings of the mushroom world, chanterelles are its queen. There are several varieties of chanterelle, ranging…