My email address is SCRBBLR at HOTMAIL dot COM
I try to respond to every email I receive, but if I don’t get to yours right away it means I am swamped. Please be patient and I will try to help you as best I can.
I am now accepting advertising on Hunter Angler Gardener Cook, and will be happy to talk with those who would like to sell their products on this site. Keep in mind, however, that I am trying to keep this site clean and classy, and am selective about which advertisers I support here. My goal is that I’ll be able toย vouch for the quality of every advertiser on this website.
Also, readers of this space should know that I am an Amazon.com affiliate, so I get commission on Amazon sales through this website.
I have a fairly comprehensive privacy policy, which can be read here.
Do I accept free stuff? Maybe. I’ll take a look at lots of things, and if they happen to fit into what I do I might write about them. If I do, I will be certain to mention that this bottle of wine or those grass-fed steaks or whatever were given to me.
Oh, and to Mr. or Ms. Corporate e-Marketer: Don’t even bother offering me anything pre-prepared or frozen or really anything geared to the average consumer. Ninety-nine times out of 100 I will reject it. Please read this site and see what I do before you pitch me. I once got a pitch from a butter substitute maker. No. Really.
My general rule for those things I do accept is that if I don’t like it, I will not write about it; normally I am too busy to spend time writing screeds about your crappy product. I reserve the right to make exceptions, however.
If you are interested in me doing a cooking class for you or your group, feel freeย to contact me. I alsoย occasionally do speaking engagements to various groups about what I do. And if you live in California, I occasionally cater events ranging from winemaker’s dinners to private parties. If you are interested in that, again email me.