Eat more Burbot
How to cook burbot, also called eelpout, ling, lawyer fish and mariah. Burbot are a freshwater cod, and are wonderful table fare.
How to cook burbot, also called eelpout, ling, lawyer fish and mariah. Burbot are a freshwater cod, and are wonderful table fare.
A light, summery lobster salad recipe that doesn't use mayo. This is a Mediterranean style salad with cucumber, tomato and sweet peppers.
Can you eat spider crabs? Absolutely. Spider crabs are totally edible, and they taste like other crabs. Here's how to prepare and cook them.
A fish sausage recipe that isn't fishy and tastes great grilled or seared. Homemade fish sausage isn't hard to make and will work with most fish.
Louisiana gar balls is a simple, tasty recipe that works with most fish, not just gar.
Freshwater drum, also called gaspergou, are unloved, but good to eat. Here are tips on how to cook them, along with a host of recipe ideas.
A Chinese squid stir fry with chiles, garlic, ginger, sesame oil and fresh herbs. Stir fried squid comes together very fast, so it's great for weeknights.
A simple poached fish recipe along with tips and tricks to mastering the technique of poaching fish in wine, broth or other liquids.
Appetizers and Snacks
Clam ceviche is common in Baja California, where you will often see it marinating in a mix of tomato and lime juice. It's different, but great!
Grilled pompano, crappie or pomfret done two ways: Super simple, then with a Mexican marinade.
A recipe for caldo de pescado, a Mexican fish soup. This is a very simple, rustic soup that relies on fresh fish, broth and vegetables.
A recipe for zarzuela de mariscos, a Spanish seafood stew with lots of different seafoods, tomatoes, peppers and a zippy herb pesto at the end.