Spanish Clams and Chorizo

The Iberian tradition of combining shellfish and pork is one of the great pairings in the world. Here is the most famous of the many such dishes: Spanish clams and chorizo.

Pickled Pike

If you're not from the Northwoods, you may have never heard of pickled pike. Well, this is to the boreal forest what ceviche is to the tropics: A great way to snack on fish with saltines...

Salmon Patties

When life gives you salmon, LOTS of salmon, make salmon patties. Sure, you can make these with regular cuts, but I prefer to make my salmon patties from "spoon meat," which you scrape from the carcass. Here's how to do it.

Boquerones, Fresh Cured Anchovies

Fresh cured anchovies sounds like an oxymoron, but it isn't. This is more like a ceviche than the red, salty anchovies you get in a can. Called boquerones in Spain and gavros in Greece, these are fantastic on crackers or by themselves.

Smoked Lake Trout

Smoking a lake trout (a/k/a mackinaw) is a lot like smoking a salmon, but I recently had the chance to smoke a couple fish in Manitoba, Canada with some Cree Indians and learned a lot about the process.

Sweet and Sour Fish

Chinese sweet and sour fish is normally done with a whole fish, but who says you can't do it with fillets? This dish is so damn good Holly and I ate more than a pound at one sitting. You want to make this recipe, my friends. Oh yes you do.

Grilled Trout or Kokanee

Little mountain trout, grilled simply and served simply. This is one of the iconic foods of the outdoors, one technique you should master if you chase these little torpedoes of quicksilver. Here's how to grill trout without it sticking.

Pan Seared Red Snapper with Cherry Tomatoes

Hooray! The first tomatoes of the season are here in NorCal! This, as usual, coincides with the Pacific rock cod opener, and as I got a gorgeous vermillion rock cod (commonly known as a red snapper here), I thought I'd celebrate the two with this dish.

How to Purge Sand from Clams

It's occurred to me that there is a lot of misinformation out there about purging the sand from clams. I've been doing it for many, many years and here is how I do it, and what you need to know to do it yourself at home.

Smoked Sablefish

It's time to catch black cod, a/k/a sablefish or butterfish out here in the North Pacific. If you've ever eaten this fish, it's like eating silk -- mild, velvety and just a little oily. This means it's perfect for smoking.

New England Style Fried Clams

I love fried clams. A lot. Maybe too much. My sisters will attest to this. Well, this is how they make fried clams in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, where I've been eating giant baskets of them since at least 1974. This recipe is so good you'll want to head out to the clam flats ASAP.

Hmong Style Crispy Fish

When life gives you smallish bass -- whatever species they are -- ya just gotta cook them whole. And this Hmong style crispy fried fish is one of my favorite ways to do it. Lots of green onion, cilantro, lemon and garlic, all with a zippy dipping sauce. This dish rawx.