Chasing the Clam

I have dug clams my whole life. But nothing prepared me for the thrill of clamming for Pacific horseneck and butter clams. This wasn't foraging, this was hunting. And I love it.

Pheasant and Dumplings

I never used to think chicken and dumplings was worth making. But I was wrong, and the dish is even better with pheasant or grouse.

Wild Turkey Risotto

Today is a day for leftover turkey, domestic or wild. Whichever kind you ate yesterday, this risotto recipe is a great way to use leftover bits.

Wild Game Dirty Rice

Dirty rice is a traditional Cajun preparation, and it happens to be one of the best uses for giblets ever —…

Beer Can Pheasant

It's hot. I don't feel like cooking outside much. And I have lots of wild game in the freezer still. What to do? BBQ! Been meaning to try beer can pheasant for a while - and it works!

Turkey Marsala

I miss Marsala. I ate it a lot in restaurants while growing up, usually with thin veal cutlets. When veal…

Homemade Sausage Recipes

Photo by Hank Shaw Find It Fast About Sausage-Making Tutorial Recipes: Venison, Beef, Lamb, or Goat | Wild Boar or…

Fig Jam with Ouzo

This is an easy sweet to make when you have a lot of figs. I have a black Mission fig…

Maple Bourbon Sauce

This is a quick and easy sauce for wild game that is just a little like butterscotch: I used it…