Experiments with Madrone Bark Tea

Not much about cooking excites me more than experimenting with a new ingredient. I get especially jazzed when that ingredient…

How to Cure Green Olives

Brining olives is the oldest way to cure olives, especially green ones. What follows are instructions and troubleshooting on how…

Harvesting Elderberries

Harvesting elderberries is a rite of summer or early autumn for people all over the United States, Canada and Europe.…

Elderflower Syrup and Cordial

May is a wonderful month. Flowers are everywhere, fishing is getting into gear and the summer garden is laden with…

Wild Salsify Lives Everywhere

I see salsify. It’s everywhere. And I didn’t know it was salsify. Until now. We have had wild salsify root…

Venison with Morel Sauce

I am happy to report that the morel mushrooms in this venison steak were not the only onesย we found in…