Why Salt Matters

I used to think that all that fancy French salt was bunk, that it was all a scam. Sodium chloride is sodium chloride, right? Wrong. I now know that all salts are not created equal.

Paying Respect to the Spoonie Gods

Whether you call them spooines, spoontang or northern shovellers, these ducks are common in California - and a hunter who ignores them does so at his peril. Until Wednesday, that would be me.

Hunting Oregon Truffles

Think you can imagine the thrill of unearthing a truffle? Sorry, but you can't. Not unless you've panned for gold. Or dug diamonds. It's the same feeling, complete with the whiff of rapacious greed...

Ruddy Ducks, The Original Butterball

There was a time when the little ruddy duck stood next to the canvasback and the redhead as royalty among waterfowl. Now they are derided as trash ducks. It is an unjust accusation.

On the Line

Duck Duel Deux is done. More than 24 hours of prep work culminated in a return to the line after nearly 20 years - where I learned just how hard it is to do precision cooking for a crowd.

Wild Foie Gras is Real

The foie gras debate centers on whether it's natural and humane: Do waterfowl fatten their own livers in the wild? They do. A liver from a duck I shot recently was so fatty it qualifies as wild foie gras.

Hunting Sharptail Grouse

A year ago my friend Chris and I hunted ruffed grouse in Minnesota. Since then we've decided to chase every grouse species in North America -- this year's quarry? Sharptails in North Dakota.

Life Returns in the Garden

A week after my cat died, I sought solace in my garden. With the sun on my neck and dirt under my nails, I found life never stops in my little green world - or anywhere else.

My Best Friend is Dead

This is the hardest post I've ever had to write. Paka the Cat, my best companion for 15 years, died of heart failure Sunday. I can't stop sobbing.

Hunter’s Stew and the Olympics

While watching the Olympics, I was struck by our ability to celebrate both similarities and differences, seemingly without contradiction. And the same holds true in food.

Raisin Wine and Validation

Making homemade wines from raisins or other fruits instead of winegrapes can be just as satisfying as making a fine table red or a crisp white. Aged well, they can be a validation of sorts.

Six Days of Salmon

Salmon, especially king salmon, are the pigs of the aquatic world. Large, fatty, with significant differences in flavor from cut…