How to Make Verjus

Verjus, or verjuice, is the juice of unripe grapes. It is a classic French alternative to vinegar, and it is pretty easy to make. Here's how.

Huckleberry Cake

Buttermilk huckleberry cake. Even with frozen huckleberries, it's as good as it looks. And I owe it all to Heidi Swanson, whose new vegetarian cookbook made even me take notice.

Making Mirto, a Sardinian Liqueur

The first time I drank mirto, the dark, herbal-tasting Sardinian liqueur, I fell in love with it. Little did I know then how easy it was to make, and when I found a myrtle bush, it was game on!

Berries of the Coastal Range

I went to Marin County in search of huckleberries. I left with a full huckle bucket, but also something I'd never seen before: Salal berries. It pays to keep your eyes open.

Berries of the Sierra Nevada

The high Sierra, or really any Western mountain range, is a treasure trove of summer berries. We recently found four different kinds on one trip.

Berries of the Central Valley

I've been on a wild berry rampage this month. This will be the first of three berry posts, starting with picking elderberries and blackberries here in the Central Valley.

Manzanita Cider

If you live on the West Coast, you've seen the stunning, red-barked shrub called manzanita. But I bet you did not know the berries make a delicious cider...

Mulberry Sorbet

A chance encounter with a mulberry tree just a few hundred yards from my home sparked me to pick what, for me, had been an unloved fruit for many years. Now I am a changed man...

Harvesting Elderberries

Harvesting elderberries is a rite of summer or early autumn for people all over the United States, Canada and Europe.…