Beer Can Pheasant

It's hot. I don't feel like cooking outside much. And I have lots of wild game in the freezer still. What to do? BBQ! Been meaning to try beer can pheasant for a while - and it works!

Sassafras and Homemade Root Beer

On Independence Day, what better wild ingredient to feature than Sassafras? The aromatic bark, leaves and roots were the first plant exported from North America to Europe.

Dining on Daylilies

While I always knew daylilies were edible, I had no idea they were so delicious! We gathered a bunch on my trip to New England last week and they're so good I may grow them as a food crop.


One of my favorite things is to gorge on a fresh, seasonal ingredient when it's abundant -- in this case porcini mushrooms. We ate them in a salad, grilled, pureed with venison, and in porcini ravioli.

Mulberry Sorbet

A chance encounter with a mulberry tree just a few hundred yards from my home sparked me to pick what, for me, had been an unloved fruit for many years. Now I am a changed man...

How to Cut Up a Rabbit

I get a surprisingly large amount of queries about how to cut up a whole rabbit or hare. So here you go: Step by step instructions, as well as a recipe for Buttermilk Fried Rabbit!

On a Ramp-age

After many years without them, I finally get my hands on some ramps - that wild onion everyone's talking about. Are they worth the hype?

Foraging Mallow – Hiding in Plain Sight

An offhanded remark leads me down the rabbit hole in search of the mysterious - yet ubiquitous - mallow plant. Who knew how important this weed was to the Eastern Mediterranean?

Beachcomber’s Risotto

Sometimes foraging, fishing and clamming at the seaside only results in a few of anything - clams, crabs, fish, etc. What to do? Make a mixed seafood meal.

Spaghetti alla Chitarra

Some men have cars as toys, others electronics. My toys are pasta-makling gadgets, and the Italian chitarra is one of my favorite - it lets you play your pasta like an instrument.

Life Returns in the Garden

A week after my cat died, I sought solace in my garden. With the sun on my neck and dirt under my nails, I found life never stops in my little green world - or anywhere else.

My Best Friend is Dead

This is the hardest post I've ever had to write. Paka the Cat, my best companion for 15 years, died of heart failure Sunday. I can't stop sobbing.