Duck Gizzards Confit

This is my favorite way to eat duck or goose gizzards. Sliced thin and tossed with a simple saute of wild mushrooms -- I mostly use chanterelles or hedgehogs -- it's a killer dish.

Kung Pao Pheasant

Kung Pao pheasant is one of my absolute favorite dishes whenever I want to make Chinese food. I think it’s…

Ruddy Ducks, The Original Butterball

There was a time when the little ruddy duck stood next to the canvasback and the redhead as royalty among waterfowl. Now they are derided as trash ducks. It is an unjust accusation.

Cooking Chanterelle Mushrooms

Chanterelles vie for my favorite mushroom with the great porcini. Chanties are the light to porcini's dark, pheasant not beef, white wine not red. Our season has begun!

Cooking Goose Meat

Canada geese get a bad rap. Sky carp. Stinky, arrogant hissing birds. Yeah, Canadas can be nasty. But cooking a real, wild, Canada goose offers pleasures other waterfowl simply lack.

Pheasant Salad with Fennel

Cooling salads are the way to go in summer, especially here in Northern California, where 100 degrees is pretty normal.…

Hunter’s Stew and the Olympics

While watching the Olympics, I was struck by our ability to celebrate both similarities and differences, seemingly without contradiction. And the same holds true in food.

Wild Duck Terrine

Making a duck terrine is not as hard as you might think, although you do need some equipment. Why bother…

Pasta Recipes

I make a lot of pasta, in all shapes, with all sorts of flours and fillings. They are scattered all…

Harvesting and Cooking Nettles

Stinging nettles are coming into season here in California, so it's time to play with the Weed That Bites. Nettle pasta, anyone? How about nettle pesto or nettle ravioli?