Cooking Blue Camas

Blue Camas, camassia quamash, has been a staple of the Northwest Indians for centuries, but few modern cooks have experimented with this edible bulb. Here are the results of my experiments.

Pheasant Salad with Fennel

Most of the country is suffering from triple-digit heat, and no one wants to be in the kitchen. Thus, this cooling pheasant (or chicken) salad that relies on a gentle - and unique - poaching method.

Mushroom Swiss Burger

Inspired by a beef-and-mushroom burger I made, this version, with venison and morel mushrooms, is even better! Venison and mushrooms are a natural combination.

Oyster! Oyster! Oyster!

Sometimes I can't do justice to my crazy ideas on the first go-round. Sometimes I need to fail a couple times before I nail the dish. I am happy to say I've nailed "Oyster, Oyster, Oyster."

Venison Chili

Venison chili. What's not to love? Everyone has his own version, and I'm no exception. I'll wager you've never seen a chile recipe quite like this one: It's taken me many years to perfect it.

Retro-Fabulous Saturday Pheasant

Saturday chicken was one of my favorite dinners growing up. I had no idea how my mum made it, and when I asked, I was appalled... yet strangely excited. I had to make it.

Black Walnuts and Holiday Cheer

Of all the things I hunt, fish or forage for, nothing requires as much effort as shelling black walnuts. But it's worth it. Black walnuts are to regular walnuts as a diamond is to cubic zirconium.

Manzanita Cider

If you live on the West Coast, you've seen the stunning, red-barked shrub called manzanita. But I bet you did not know the berries make a delicious cider...